There are many answers to the question provided by the
Pythagorean Triples or sides of the integer right triangles where a, b, and c are integers and
a2 + b2 = c2
Some examples are
3, 4, 5 ( 25 - 16 = 9)
6, 8, 10 (100 - 64 = 36)
See Pythagorean Triples for others.
36 and 49
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It is. Every number is a square number, though not necessarily a pefect square number. 12 is the square of sqrt(12) which is approx ±3.4641
Quite the same way you would in any other minor key. In a minor key, the chords are as follows: i iidim III iv V VI VII. So, naturally, following the rules of building triads, one would build a minor triad for i, a diminished triad for ii, major for III, minor for iv, major for V, Vi, and VII. So, "i" would look like this: Root-->third-->fifth. Because it is a minor triad, the third is a minor third up from the root, and the fifth is a pefect fifth up from the root. So, in A-minor, the 'i' triad would be A(root), C(third), E(fifth). The same applies to all minor chords. The diminished chord is similar, but both intervals are minor thirds, rather than a minor third and a major third. So, in A-minor, that would be B, D, F. Major chords are the opposite of minor chords, the structure being major third, then minor third, rather than minor third, then major third. Hope this helps, let me know if there is anything I can clear up for you. Cheers, Dan
maybe it is that the perfect life is not always pefect, of that man will always be violent
The future perfect tense of "see" is "will have seen." For example, "By next year, I will have seen all the famous landmarks in the city."
The perfect number is 7. God rested on the 7th day of creation. 7 is the number of days in a week. (Man's number is 6. This means that man falls short of the glory of God, who is perfect.)
Will have gotten.
no he's not raja the coolest guy ever.......i would love to meet him some day because he's really Pefect like he said in unfabulous PERFECT
Had laid.
You get Makiko when you take pefect care of your tamagotchi.
36 and 49
There are many places to find unique and genuine gift ideas for girlfriends. One is the cosmopolitan magazine that features "perfect gift ideas" in their monthly mag and another is amazon that helps one locate the "pefect" gift for that special girl simply by searching for "gifts" in the search box.
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