There are no such two prime numbers, as 167 is a prime number itself.
No: 105 and 128 are both composite numbers because they have more than two factors
When you multiply two prime numbers together they become factors of the number that they equal. Since the number will have factors other than 1 and itself, the number cannot be prime.
How about: 8*16 = 128 as one example
There are no such two prime numbers, as 167 is a prime number itself.
The sum of the two largest prime numbers less than 71 is 128.
No: 105 and 128 are both composite numbers because they have more than two factors
When you multiply two prime numbers together they become factors of the number that they equal. Since the number will have factors other than 1 and itself, the number cannot be prime.
Prime numbers only have two factors, one and themselves. If you multiply two prime numbers together, the new number will also have the two prime numbers as factors, making it composite. Try it out. 5 and 7 are prime. 35 is composite.
13*31=403 13 and 31 are prime numbers.
When they have no common prime factors.