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Q: What two sides emerged in response to the declaration of independence What did each did each side favor?
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Who was Phillip Livingston?

AnswerHe was a New York delegate who signed the Declaration of Independence. SHe was in strong favor of the Declaration of Independence.

When was the Declaration of Independence adopoted?

The Declaration of Independence was adopted on July 4, 1776. This was after 12 colonies voted in favor of the motion for independence which was proposed by Richard Henry Lee.

What two sides emerged in response to Declaration of Independence What did each side favor?

During the Founding Period of the United States, two basic sides emerged in the ongoing debate concerning the privileges and responsibilities (and so forth) of the American government. The Federalists favored a very strong central (or, federal) government that would oversee each state in the union. The Anti-Federalists, by contrast, favored a weaker central government, with each state in the union having the most privilege (and responsibility) in respect to governance within its boundaries.The Declaration of Independence divided the Colonists into patriots and loyalists. The patriots wanted freedom from British rule, while the loyalists wanted to remain loyal to the King.

What two sides emerged in response to the Declaration of Independence What did What did each side favor?

During the Founding Period of the United States, two basic sides emerged in the ongoing debate concerning the privileges and responsibilities (and so forth) of the American government. The Federalists favored a very strong central (or, federal) government that would oversee each state in the union. The Anti-Federalists, by contrast, favored a weaker central government, with each state in the union having the most privilege (and responsibility) in respect to governance within its boundaries.The Declaration of Independence divided the Colonists into patriots and loyalists. The patriots wanted freedom from British rule, while the loyalists wanted to remain loyal to the King.

What two sides emerged in response to the declaration of Independence What did each favor?

During the Founding Period of the United States, two basic sides emerged in the ongoing debate concerning the privileges and responsibilities (and so forth) of the American government. The Federalists favored a very strong central (or, federal) government that would oversee each state in the union. The Anti-Federalists, by contrast, favored a weaker central government, with each state in the union having the most privilege (and responsibility) in respect to governance within its boundaries.The Declaration of Independence divided the Colonists into patriots and loyalists. The patriots wanted freedom from British rule, while the loyalists wanted to remain loyal to the King.

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What two sides emerged in response to the Declaration of independent What did each side favor?

During the Founding Period of the United States, two basic sides emerged in the ongoing debate concerning the privileges and responsibilities (and so forth) of the American government. The Federalists favored a very strong central (or, federal) government that would oversee each state in the union. The Anti-Federalists, by contrast, favored a weaker central government, with each state in the union having the most privilege (and responsibility) in respect to governance within its boundaries.The Declaration of Independence divided the Colonists into patriots and loyalists. The patriots wanted freedom from British rule, while the loyalists wanted to remain loyal to the King.

When the Declaration of Independence was read in Philadelphia on July 8 1776 were the people living there persuaded by its words?

The evidence indicates that they were already pretty firmly in favor of independence and thus did not require persuasion. Michael Montagne

Why did button gwinnett sign the declaration of independence?

Button Gwinnett was a delegate from Georgia to the Second Continental Congress, which debated and adopted the Declaration of Independence. He signed it, because the legislature in Georgia was in favor of declaring independence and he was authorized to sig it to show Georgia's agreement with the claim that America was free of British rule.

Why did Phillip Livingston sign the Declaration of Independence?

He did not want to be remembered as one of the people in the Continental Congress who did not sign the Declaration and prevent our independence. He would have prevented our independence because the other 12 states agreed on independence, and all 13 had to agree, so it was down to Pennsylvania and it was split in half so Wilson had the last vote and he voted for independence.

How many colonies had to agree with the Declaration of Independence?

By mutual consent all thirteen had to vote in favor of independence. That's why the formal document (the "Declaration of Independence") specifically points out that this is a unanimous declaration.(This does not mean every single individual in Congress, but that each colony's/state's delegation would vote, and a majority of "no's" in any delegation would defeat the measure.)

Who wrote the declaration of independance and where did he get his ideas from?

The Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson, with the assistance of John Adams and Benjamin Franklin. The document defined the rights of the people of the independent states. On July 2, 1776, the members of the Second Continental Congress voted in favor of independence. The delegates then held a second vote and approved the Declaration of Independence. John Hancock, President of the Congress and Charles Thomson, the secretary, signed the document. July 4, 1776 is officially recognized as the birth of America.