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Q: What two simpler problems can you use to find 7 x 38 think about the tens and ones?
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When researchers try to find the cause of health problems these problems are?

The problems that researchers focus on are health problems that affect a larger portion of the population. The ones that seem to be concerned about are the ones that are focused on nutrition and infection prevention.

Why it is necessary to have undefined terms in geometry?

This is true not just in geometry but in every field of knowledge. You can define complicated concepts in terms of simpler ones, and those simpler ones in still simpler ones and so on. However, you will end up with a few terms which cannot be defined in terms of simpler concepts (without going into a circular definition). These terms must remain undefined.

Catabolism is to anabolism as blank is to blank?

Breakdown is to build-up. Catabolism involves the breakdown of complex molecules into simpler ones, while anabolism involves the synthesis of complex molecules from simpler ones.

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Bigger, more complicated creatures typically have more advanced biological functions, such as specialized organs and complex physiological systems, to support their larger size and complexity. They may also have greater behavioral and cognitive capabilities to navigate their environment and interact with other organisms. Additionally, these organisms often have more diverse and specialized adaptations to survive in their respective ecosystems.

What is the breakdown complex of food molecules into simpler ones?

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Division of labor causes what?

Breaking down tasks into simpler ones and to different individuals. Stefanie93

Which two process could be considered opposites?

Catabolism and anabolism could be considered opposites. Catabolism refers to the breakdown of complex molecules into simpler ones to release energy, whereas anabolism involves the synthesis of complex molecules from simpler ones, requiring energy.

Catabolism would be best described as a process that?

Catabolism is a process in which complex molecules are broken down into simpler ones, releasing energy in the process. This breakdown provides the body with the energy it needs for various cellular functions.

Where can one find help on mathematics word problems online?

There are plenty of sites available to help with all kinds of mathematic problems. WebMath and FreeMathHelp are a couple of the better ones to check out.