the colors are unique because they can make all the other colors when they are mixed together
Red and blue are two primary colors, when mixed together they make purple, which is a secondary color.
There are two colors that you can mix together to make purple. Those colors are red and blue. You can make the hue lighter or darker depending on how much of each you add.
NO!!!!! All the primary colors mixed together make black and white. Black and white are in no way primary colors.
to integrate something means to put two things together to make a new one
Snow and strong winds are mixed together to make a blizzard.
Blue and red mixed together make violet, or purple.
Yellow and blue make green when mixed together.
Green and red mixed together make brown.
Blue and red make purple when mixed together.
Yellow and blue mixed together make green.
Red and yellow mixed together make the color orange.
Red and white mixed together will make the color pink.
Yellow and blue mixed together make green.
A blizzard is created by the mixing of strong winds and falling or blowing snow that significantly reduces visibility. These conditions must last for an extended period of time to be classified as a blizzard.
Yellow and violet mixed together make a shade of brown.
Green and red make the color brown when mixed together.