Bar and line graphs each have at least two labeled axes, and usually a legend.
A graph or bar chart is dependant on 2 things, both are measurements, on a vertical & horizontal scale. If things change gradually with time then use a line graph, if they are static in time use a bar chart. Both can be effective to show results.
they both show in crease but a line graph may show decrease
a line graph is over time. a bar graph is not
a line graph is over time. a bar graph is not
A line graph is shaped like a triangle and a bar graph is exactly like column but bar graph is other way around
A graph or bar chart is dependant on 2 things, both are measurements, on a vertical & horizontal scale. If things change gradually with time then use a line graph, if they are static in time use a bar chart. Both can be effective to show results.
they both show in crease but a line graph may show decrease
They both show data
you would use a line graph
they both have x and y coordinates
America uses both
Because they both produce the exact same data except one is in bar form and the other is a line....
a line graph is over time. a bar graph is not
They both show info.
They both give you info on a specific thing or object
a bar graph is a graph that displays data using bars and a line graph is a graph that displays data in a line
The three kinds of graph is bar graph, line graph, and pie graph. bar graph is used to compare two or more things. A line graph is used to show changes over time. A pie graph is used to show proportions.