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What two varibles are plotted on collector charcteristc curve

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Ahmed Alshfea

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Q: What two variables are plotted on a collector characteristic curve?
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What is a system curve?

a System curve is used in hydrolic anylyses to dtermine the duty point of a pump for a certain pipe line. The pump curve and system curve are plotted on the same graph and where the two cross each other is the duty point, the curve is a Head(meters) vs Flow(m3/hour). The system curve Head = static head + head loss due to friction in pipe + secondary head loss *This is calculated for a certain flow to determine the Head so it can be plotted on the curve

What is a graph with time plotted on the x axis and distance plotted on the y axis called?

It could be a velocity graph or an acceleration graph. If the plot is a straight line it is constant velocity. If the plot is a curve it is acceleration.

Why is the graph between time and concentration curve?

The graph between time and concentration is a curve because it represents the relationship between the two variables as one changes over time. Concentration is typically plotted on the y-axis and time on the x-axis. The resulting curve can vary depending on the rate of change of concentration over time, which can be influenced by factors such as the reaction kinetics, the initial concentrations, and the presence of reactants and products.

How is a frequency curve in statistics different from a frequency polygon?

In order to plot the points on either the frequency polygon or curve, the mid values of the class intervals of the distribution are calculated. Then the frequencies with respect to the mid points are plotted. However in a frequency curve the points are joined by a smooth curve, where as in a frequency polygon the points are joined by straight lines. Apart from this major difference, a frequency polygon is a closed figure where as the frequency curve is not.

How do you identify a normal curve?

You cannot. It has a characteristic bell-shaped curve but so does a Student's t with enough degrees of freedom. There are other distributions which, with suitable choice of parameters can be made to look very similar to the Normal curve.

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What is the characteristic shape of logistic growth curve?

The classic "S" shaped curve that is characteristic of logistic growth.

What does the total area under a density curve equal?

The integral of the density with respect to the variable against which the density is plotted, between the values at the ends of the curve. Since there is no information given as to what the density is plotted against, a more informative answer is impossible.

What is a system curve?

a System curve is used in hydrolic anylyses to dtermine the duty point of a pump for a certain pipe line. The pump curve and system curve are plotted on the same graph and where the two cross each other is the duty point, the curve is a Head(meters) vs Flow(m3/hour). The system curve Head = static head + head loss due to friction in pipe + secondary head loss *This is calculated for a certain flow to determine the Head so it can be plotted on the curve

Is a demand curve created from a demand schedule?

The data on a demand schedule can be plotted on a demand curve. Often, a demand schedule will be created before the creation of a demand curve, so as to allow for greater accuracy when plotting the demand curve.

What is the characteristics shape of a logistic growth curve?

The classic "S" shaped curve that is characteristic of logistic growth.

What is a graph with time plotted on the x axis and distance plotted on the y axis called?

It could be a velocity graph or an acceleration graph. If the plot is a straight line it is constant velocity. If the plot is a curve it is acceleration.

Characteristic curve MOSFET?

In what region of their characteristic curve are zener diodes operated?

Zener diodes are normally operated in their reverse breakdown voltage curve.

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What is the set of an equation in two variables in the set of all points in a coordinate plane that represent all the solutions of the equation?

To graph the set of all the solutions to an equation in two variables, means to draw a curve on a plane, such that each solution to the equation is a point on the curve, and each point on the curve is a solution to the equation. The simplest curve is a straight line.

What does curves in different places places on a graph tell us?

Curves in different places on a graph can show us the relationship between two variables. For example, a curve that slopes upwards indicates a positive correlation between the variables, while a curve that slopes downwards indicates a negative correlation. The shape and direction of the curve provide insight into how the variables interact with each other.