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Isaac newton discovered gravity when an apple fell on his head. He deduced that, with no gravity, this apple would have flowted in the air. But, it was attracted to earth and this attraction is called gravity.

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Q: What type of artist used geometric shapes to represent nature and human forms?
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Who used geometric shapes to represent nature and human forms?

It was Leonardo da Vinci who used geometric shapes to represent nature and human forms. Leonardo was an Italian polymath.

_______ artists used geometric shapes to represent nature and human forms?


Artists used geometric shapes to represent nature and human forms.?


What are geometric drawings?

Geometric refers to shapes .. the geometric draws are usually mathematical in nature heavy on lines and technical shapes

A term for irregular shapes found in nature?

Geometric Shapes

How can geometric forms represent organic forms?

Yes forms usually are either organic or geometric. Organic shapes resemble shapes usually met in nature; the gentle curve of a tree branch, the floral or a rock for example. Geometric shapes are easy to draw and measure with rulers and other devices. Usual geometric shapes are symmetric like circle, square, triangle, cross... for example. Geometric shapes can also be asymmetric.

What Objects in nature that have geometric shapes?


What are shapes from nature called?

It would be free-form or organic shapes.

What are geometric and angular shapes?

Geometric and angular shapes are general classes of shapes associated with geometry and with geometry/trigonometry respectively. The two terms ("geometric shapes" and "angular shapes") are very general in nature, and it isn't really "doable" to make a list of all the geometric and angular shapes one may encounter.

Shapes that suggest forms found in nature are called?


What three object in nature have geometric shapes and what shapes do the have?

The sun and the moon are spheres... and maybe mountains are cones?

Can shapes be organic or geometric?

I disagree with the post from earlier: No, only geometric. Organic means natural, not artificially improved or created. if it brought you to this when u were asking about forms not shapes the answer is not only geometric -- At least as far as art goes the following is true: Shapes can be organic, geometric or irregular. At least from the stand point of an artist.