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Pie chart. The entire "pie" shows the whole data set, while each "slice" shows each group of data.
circle graphs

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Q: What type of chart is best for showing groups of data in portion to the whole data set?
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Related questions

What kind of graph is best for showing how the parts of a whole are divided?

A pie chart.

4 Which type of graph is useful for showing how part of something relates to the whole?

A pie chart.

What shows parts or percentages of a whole?

A pie chart is one example of showing the fraction of the whole. A bar graph can do the same by showing data above and below a base line. The base line representing the whole.

Which graph or chart represents data as part of a whole?

A pie graph represent data as a part of a whole, showing the separate portions of the data in accordance to the whole.

What data is best displayed on a circle graph?

A circle graph, or pie chart is best used for showing parts of a whole.

Is a pie chart good for plotting statistical correlations?

No. It is good for showing how each data point compares to the whole data set.

What graph shows the relationship of parts to the whole?

The pie chart shows the relationship of parts to the whole. A pie chart is a circular chart in which the circle is divided into groups. Each group visually represents an item in a data set to match the amount of the item as a percentage or fraction of the total data set.

A pie chart is a good way to show?

Pie charts are good for showing how a whole is broken down into its parts.

What does A portion of whole called?

A portion of a whole is a fraction of it.

What is the whole number portion?

A whole number has no portion.

What is the whole portion of the decimal 418.0972?

The whole portion is 418.

What type of spreadsheet chart is the best for showing proportion of parts to a whole?

A pie chart or, if you want to show similar details for a number of wholes, a "100 percent stacked column" chart. An example of the second might be the gender split over a number of forms in a school. Each year or form would be a whole column, and each would be divided into boys and girls.