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Q: What type of coelom is lined on both sides by mesoderm?
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What is true coelom in Metazoans?

True coelom is body cavity lined by mesothelium on both sides as in chordates .

Do cnideria have a coelom?

Cnidarians do not have a true coelom (body cavity lined with mesoderm). Instead, they have a simple body plan with a central digestive cavity called the gastrovascular cavity. This cavity serves for both digestion and circulation of nutrients.

Which embryonic tissue layer lines both surfaces of a true coelom?

The mesoderm layer lines both surfaces of a true coelom. The mesoderm is one of the embryonic tissue layers that forms during gastrulation and gives rise to structures such as muscles, bones, and connective tissues. It surrounds the developing coelom, a body cavity located between the digestive tube and the outer body wall.

What is the name of the internal body cavity of an earthworm?

The coelom of an earthworm is its body cavity. There are three categories for grouping animals according to their coeloms: coelomate (animals that have a true coelom lined by muscle tissue on both sides), pseudocoelomate (animals that have a coelom line by muscle tissue only on one side), and acoelomates (animals that do not have a body cavity lined by muscle tissue on either side). Earthworms are coelomate animals.

What kind of trees are planted on the champs elysee?

It is lined up with Elm Trees on both sides of the streets It is lined up with Elm Trees on both sides of the streets It is lined up with Elm Trees on both sides of the streets That's not true. They are Horse Chestnuts. Not Elms.

What A road with trees on both sides is called?

A road with trees on both sides is commonly referred to as a tree-lined avenue.

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If that occurs, then both sides lose.If that occurs, then both sides lose.If that occurs, then both sides lose.If that occurs, then both sides lose.If that occurs, then both sides lose.If that occurs, then both sides lose.

How are the genes the lined up in the pair of chromosomes?

They are lined up in the same order in both chromosome pairs. They are organized in alleles.

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