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Q: What type of data could be used for a frequency table?
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What type of graph displays data from a frequency table and has one bar for each interval of the table that contains values?


Which type of graph would best display data in a frequency table?

A Histogram, a line plot and a line graph.

What type graph would best display data in a frequency table?

Almost any: column, bar, line, pie, scatter, pictogram.

What is the best type of graph to represent FREQUENCY TABLE?

It is a histogram.

How do you make a data table online?

Well you would go on google and type in how to make a data table online and some results would come up and you can pick which one you want to do! hope i could help!

What kind of data do you write on a data table?

you can write any type of data you want

What is cumolative frequency curve?

A cumulative frequency curve is a graph that shows the cumulative frequency of a data set. This type of graph can present data, such as medians and quartiles. Another name for this curve is an Ogive.

When would one use a PHP table?

PHP is a type of coding for a forum or website. Any website that uses the PHP coding could use a table to organize data or to show relationships between the specific data that is on the website.

When you type data in a row immediately below an existing table what will Excel do?

It can incorporate it into the table, so that it is part of the table.

What data type appears as cheeking box in a table?


When is it not necessary to specify a data type for a column when creating a table?

You do not need to specify a data type when you want to accept the default format.

Which type type of table is a way to provide a lot of numerical information in a very small area?

A data table is a type of table that provides a lot of numerical information in a very small area.