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That depends upon whom you ask, as there is some degree of controversy around Likert scales. Many people, myself included, would consider it interval data, and it is usually interpreted that way. However, there is another school of thought that says that Likert data is ordinal at best. Both sides of the debate have valid points, and this question hasn't been settled.

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Q: What type of data would the total score in a likert scale be?
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How does guttman scale differ from the likert scale?

Guttman scale is a one way street. Meaning it only has positive values. common example are distance (cm/m/km) or weight (mg/g/kg)Likert scale is two way street. It has both positive and negative values. Commonly used are survey on perception. Hence a 5 Likert rating would give a 'rubric' ofStrongly Disagree (-2)Disagree (-1)Neutral (0)Agree (1)Strongly Agree (2)In the above example Likert possible rating is from -2 until +2

As likert scale are ordinal data can I obtain mean and SD from them?

If you are considering a single ordinal variable, determining the mode or median would be meaningful, but the mean or SD would not. Many researchers do consider likert-scale data to possess only ordinal qualities. However, leading research studies, for example in the marketing area, obtain measures such as means and standard deviations from likert-scale data. Indeed leading textbooks also follow this approach. One concern has been that the 'distances' between points on a likert scale are not equal, for example the 'distance' or 'difference' between a strongly disagree and disagree is not the same as the difference between disagree and neutral. A recent study discusses these issues, as well as demonstrating that data obtained from 5-point, 7-point and 10-point likert scales are approximately comparable in terms of mean score (once re-scaled) and various measures of variation and data shape. The study reference is Dawes, John "Do Data Characteristics Change According to the Number of Scale Points Used ? An Experiment using 5-point, 7-point and 10-point Scales" International Journal of Market Research, Vol 50 2008.

What would a total score of 3000 be in a grade of A B C or D?

The answer will depend on what the score is out of.

Where does the IQ 131 fall on the scale?

An IQ score of 131 falls in the "gifted" range on the IQ scale. It is considered to be above average and indicates high intellectual ability.

What is the grade if I get one wrong out of 15 questions?

If you get one wrong out of 15 questions, your grade would depend on how the grading scale is set up. If each question is worth the same amount of points, you would have a score of 14/15, which usually translates to a high grade such as an A or A+. However, if the grading scale deducts a fixed amount of points for each incorrect answer, it would depend on the specific grading scale to determine the grade.

Related questions

How to design a likert scale?

A likert scale is basically questions with many choices for the answer. Answers for agreement include strongly agree, agree, undecided, disagree, or strongly disagree. For frequency examples of answer choices would be very frequently, frequently, occasionally, rarely, very rarely, or never.

How does guttman scale differ from the likert scale?

Guttman scale is a one way street. Meaning it only has positive values. common example are distance (cm/m/km) or weight (mg/g/kg)Likert scale is two way street. It has both positive and negative values. Commonly used are survey on perception. Hence a 5 Likert rating would give a 'rubric' ofStrongly Disagree (-2)Disagree (-1)Neutral (0)Agree (1)Strongly Agree (2)In the above example Likert possible rating is from -2 until +2

As likert scale are ordinal data can I obtain mean and SD from them?

If you are considering a single ordinal variable, determining the mode or median would be meaningful, but the mean or SD would not. Many researchers do consider likert-scale data to possess only ordinal qualities. However, leading research studies, for example in the marketing area, obtain measures such as means and standard deviations from likert-scale data. Indeed leading textbooks also follow this approach. One concern has been that the 'distances' between points on a likert scale are not equal, for example the 'distance' or 'difference' between a strongly disagree and disagree is not the same as the difference between disagree and neutral. A recent study discusses these issues, as well as demonstrating that data obtained from 5-point, 7-point and 10-point likert scales are approximately comparable in terms of mean score (once re-scaled) and various measures of variation and data shape. The study reference is Dawes, John "Do Data Characteristics Change According to the Number of Scale Points Used ? An Experiment using 5-point, 7-point and 10-point Scales" International Journal of Market Research, Vol 50 2008.

How you would use the scale in miles to estimate total area of Madagascar?

how you would use the scale in miles to estimate to total area of Madagascar

What would a total score of 3000 be in a grade of A B C or D?

The answer will depend on what the score is out of.

If a test is woth 30 percent and the result was 31 out of a possible 50 what is the total percentage score?

Total percentage score would be 62 %

Four score and seven years ago would be 47 years ago?

A score is 20 years, therefore 4 score and 7 would total 87 years

What does 5 score mean?

A score is equal to 20 units, so 5 scores would be 100 units in total.

What chemicals score a 4 on the pH scale?

A pH that is less than 7 is an acid, so 4 pH would be an acid.

How can you score Gibson and Dembo 1984 Teacher Efficacy Scale and decide who are high and low efficacy?

I'm trying to figure out how or actually if you can get a total score. As if you were to agree with the personal efficacy questions, then this would show high self-efficacy, however if you also agree with the general efficacy questions, this would show you that you think other factors have a greater influence rather than teaching. Please help.

Is 10.8 percent a good score on a scale of 1 to 12?

10.8 on a scale of 1 - 12 is 90% which would satisfy most people. On the other hand 10.8 percent is abysmal any way you look at it.

On a scale 1 to 10 what score is the new ipod nano?

i would say 81/2 out of 10 for all its features including the video camera.