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Q: What type of decay is shown in 238 94 Pu - 4 2 He plus x y Z?
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What type of radioactive decay results in uranium-238 becoming thorium-234?

Alpha decay

What type of radioactive decay resulted in uranium 238 becoming thorium 234 and how do you know?

This is an alpha decay.

What type of radioadiocetive decay results in uranium 238 becoming thorium 234?

This is an example of alpha decay.

What type of nuclear decay occurs when U-238 becomes Th-234?


What is uranium 238 thorium 234 plus helium 4?

This is a nuclear reaction where uranium-238 and thorium-234 undergo a series of decays resulting in the production of helium-4. This process is part of the natural radioactive decay chain of uranium and thorium isotopes in Earth's crust.

Uranium -238 undergoes alpha decay Therefore uranium -238 will?

Uranium 238 is transformed in thorium 234 by alpha decay.

What type of radioactive decay result in uranium -238 becoming thorium 234.?

This is an alpha decay.The half-life of uranium-238 is 4,468.10ex.9 years.

When uranium-238 is transformed into thorium-234 it is represented by a balanced equation What is missing from the equation of U-238 undergoing radioactive decay?

What is missing is the type of decay that occurs during the transformation. For example, uranium-238 decays into thorium-234 through alpha decay, so the missing component would be the emission of an alpha particle in the balanced equation.

What is the radioactive decay of U-238?


What is a good decay equation for uranium decay's to alpha decay?

The decay equation for uranium-238 (U-238) decaying into an alpha particle (helium-4) can be represented as follows: (^{238}{92}\text{U} \rightarrow ^{4}{2}\text{He} + ^{234}_{90}\text{Th}). This equation shows the radioactive decay process of U-238 into an alpha particle and thorium-234.

Why Uranium-238 decays into thorium-234?

All radioactive isotopes decay because they are unstable; uranium-238 decay to thorium-234 by beta (-) decay. The half life of 238U is very great: 4,468.109 years.

What does 4n plus 2indicate in uranium series?

In the uranium series, 4n + 2 represents the decay process of uranium-238 (238U) where it undergoes alpha decay to form thorium-234 (234Th) by emitting an alpha particle. The equation indicates that for every 1 decay of uranium-238, 1 thorium-234 and 2 alpha particles are produced.