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Q: What type of error will occur if a program attempts to do an integer division by zero?
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What is division by zero exception?

Since any number divided by zero is undefined, a computer cannot base a calculation on this. Whenever a program attempts to divide by zero, this error is generated.

What is the main problem if a program is not executing properly?

There are three main types of error. Compile Error: A syntax error is the most common error of all. If the program was written without constructing the commands in a way the computer can interpret, then this is recognized before the program ever runs and is usually a compile time error. (Java is really strict about program structure.) Linking and Library Errors: Often one program uses something from another. If a program is correctly constructed but when one attempts to use it the connection to the other program is incorrect, or out of date or some other incompatibility, an error is generated. Run time Error: This happens if you try to perform an illegal operation. An illegal mathematical operation would be something like the square root of a negative number or division by zero. See related links for a more explanation.

What is the difference between a compilation error and logic error?

errors which come during compilation is known as compilation error. here we get syntax errors only not logical errors like division by zero. logical error occur during run time example:if you write a program for division with zero you will not get compilation error but during execution you will error

What is an access violation?

An access violation is another name in computing for a segmentation fault, a software error which occurs when a program attempts to access a memory location which it is not permitted to access.

What do you mean by runtime error and logical error?

A runtime error is a flaw in the program code that halts or abnormally alters (by using exception handlers, for example) the program's flow. Division by zero is a common example of a runtime error. Most languages, including C, do not permit the result of a division by zero error to be stored in memory, and will therefore terminate the program. In contrast, a logical error is a programming flaw that will still permit the program to continue running, but will produce incorrect output. For example, a programming flaw in a function that calculates how much time has passed would report the incorrect amount of time elapsed. As a more specific example, if 10,000 milliseconds have passed, and the program was displaying the time in seconds, but divided by 10,000 instead of 1,000, it would report only 1 second of elapsed time per every 10 seconds.

What is the difference between a semantic error and logic error?

An error in the logic of a program means that the output of the program is faulty (eg the program tell you 2+2=5). An error in semantics in a program means that the program statements are not constructed properly and the usual result of this is that the program will not compile.

If i wrote ''the quotient of an integer divided by an integer with an opposite sign takes the sign of the greater absolute value'' what is the error?

The quotient of an integer divided by an integer with the opposite sign is always negative.

What is the restriction to be followed when using a modulo operator modulo operator?

When using the modulo operator in mathematics or programming, there is a restriction that the divisor (the number after the modulo operator) should be non-zero. A zero divisor would result in a division by zero error, which is undefined.

What error is caught when the program execute?

runtime error

How do you fix a runtime error 91?

the run-time error 131 would be caused by reasons as below: * Corrupted Office applications * Missing component in the applications * Damaged component in the applications * Incorrect system configuration * Corrupted Windows registry the easily way to fix runtime error 131 is to use a registry cleaner to clean up the windows registry.

What is a segmentation fault?

An error in which a running program attempts to access memory not allocated to it and core dumps with a segmentation violation error. This is often caused by improper usage of pointers in the source code, dereferencing a null pointer, or (in C) inadvertently using a non-pointer variable as a pointer.

What is a segment fault?

An error in which a running program attempts to access memory not allocated to it and core dumps with a segmentation violation error. This is often caused by improper usage of pointers in the source code, dereferencing a null pointer, or (in C) inadvertently using a non-pointer variable as a pointer.