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Q: What type of error will occur when a real value is attempted to be assigned to an integer variable?
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What error occurs when a real value is attempted to be assigned to an integer variable?

real value neededA compile time error i.e ..Error: possible loss of precision: double, required: intNone, it will converted automagically.

In many languages it is an error to assign a real number to an integer variable True or False?


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the run-time error 131 would be caused by reasons as below: * Corrupted Office applications * Missing component in the applications * Damaged component in the applications * Incorrect system configuration * Corrupted Windows registry the easily way to fix runtime error 131 is to use a registry cleaner to clean up the windows registry.

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A constant integer is an integer that is not expected to change value while it is in scope. Declaring any variable constant doesn't guarantee it won't change, but it does make it more difficult for a programmer to change the value by accident. Constant integers must be initialised at the point of instantiation. We can initialise a constant with the value of a literal constant, the value of another constant, or the value of a variable: void f (int v) { const int x {42}; // Integer constant (initialised from literal constant) const int y {x}; // Integer constant (initialised from another constant) const int z {v}; // Integer constant (initialised from a variable) // ... v *= 2; // ok -- v is variable x *= 2; // error: x is constant }

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The unavoidable variable is error

What does Error converting data type to numeric means?

You must have declared a method which tries to convert a variable/field value into a numeric value but that is not possible. Refer to the line on which the error is found and remove the method which tries to convert the variable/field. Note: Java allows type casting so a string cannot be converted into integer even if a method tries to change the value

Can an short value be assigned to int variable?

Yes, but you may cause truncation error because the short variable does not necessarily have the same range as an int variable. Most modern compilers will flag this as a warning. If you know that the value of the int variable will not exceed the range of a short variable, you can explicitly prevent the warning with a typecast, i.e. someShort = (short) someInt; and the compiler will assume that you know what you are doing.

What is L value error in C?

When there is no addressable value in program, then compiler will give lvalue error. Lvalue or location value is an address that is stored into while rvalue is the "read" value, ie., value of a constant or the value stored at a location. In the assignment a = 31; we have the lvalue of a used on the left hand side and the integer contant value 31 assigned to this location. In the assignment b = a; we have the rvalue of a (31) used to assign to the lvalue of b . So depending on which side of an assignment, we use the variable a , we get two different behaviors

When you use your regression line to predict values that are not in the sample and discovered large residual values in each prediction what can you say about your regression line?

There are several possible explanations: Leaving aside the two most obvious reasons: calculation error and attempted extrapolation, there are the following possibilities: The true relationship is non-linear. A relevant variable has been missed omitted. The observations are very variable: leading to a very large residual error. There is not enough variation in the independent (or predictive) variable so that Sxx is very small.

What is the effect of various arithmetic operators on a pointers?

Error message, mainly. The following operations are legal: ptr + integer (pointer) ptr - integer (pointer) ptr - ptr (integer)

Loss of precision error in java?

A loss of precision error occurs when you use a variable of a data type that holds more decimal values than the type of the variable you are converting/inserting to.