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Q: What type of field guide would be easiest to use?
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What type of field guide would be easiest and most efficient to use?

The type of field guide you choose will depend on what information you want to have with you. If you are watching birds, then you want a field guide that shows you pictures of different birds.

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Microsoft Word is the easiest to use.

Where can one find a guide on using Skype?

You can find a guide on using Skype at the eHow website. Once on the website, type "How to use Skype" into the search field at the top of the page and press enter to bring up the guide.

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Pulse or minus i would think

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The easiest telephone survey is probably the automated telephone surveys. You can get more information about this type of survey online at the Wikipedia. Once on the page, type "Automated telephone survey" into the search field at the top of the page and press enter to bring up the information.

How do you type fractions?

The easiest way to type a fraction is to the / key between the numbers. If you wanted to type one over four, you would type 1/4.

What type of field would deflect alpha and beta particles?

An electromagnetic field would deflect alpha and beta particles. Charged particles like alpha and beta particles are affected by electromagnetic forces, causing them to change direction when passing through an electromagnetic field.

What is a field guide?

A field guide is a guidebook that provides detailed information consisting of pictures and descriptions to help people identify natural objects of some type that might be encountered in nature. Field guides are available from libraries and bookstores to help identify birds, reptiles, mammals, fish, trees, mushrooms, rocks, etc.