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Q: What type of geologic event has to occur to create an angular conformity?
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Which type of geologic event has to occur to create an angular unconformity?

An angular unconformity is formed when older tilted or folded rock layers are eroded, creating a flat surface, and then new horizontal layers are deposited on top. This type of geologic event typically involves periods of uplift, tilting, and erosion followed by subsidence and deposition.

Which geologic event occurred first?

The formation of the Earth is the earliest geologic event.

What type of event has to occur to create an angular unconformity?

An angular unconformity forms when older tilted or folded rock layers are eroded, creating a flat surface. New horizontal layers are then deposited on top of this surface, resulting in an angular discordance between the older and newer rock layers.

How do solve conservation of angular momentum?

To solve for conservation of angular momentum, set the initial angular momentum equal to the final angular momentum. This means that the total angular momentum before an event is equal to the total angular momentum after the event, assuming no external torques act on the system. This principle is commonly used in physics to analyze rotational motion.

Are thunderstorms geologic?

No. A thunderstorm is a weather event.

Which event occurred earliest in geologic history?


The absolute age of a geologic event in the rock record is?

The specific age of a geologic event measured in years. This is typically determined through radiometric dating techniques on rocks or minerals associated with the event.

What was the major geologic event during the Jurassic period?

your mama was born

What is the most recent geologic event in japan?

Putang Ina mo !

What was an important event in the early geologic history?

Leonardo da vinci made extremely early important geologic discoveries. Look him up.

A lava flow is an example of what?

A geologic event. An example of an igneous rock formation.

What best describes the geologic event taking place in the above illustration?

Seafloor spreading