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Q: What type of graph is used to show data over time?
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What graph is used to show how data changes over time?

A line graph is used to show data over time.

What is a graph that uses a line to show how data changes over time?

a line graph.

What graph shows trends and how data changes over time?

A line graph would show this.

What is used to show how data change over time?

line graph

Are Pie charts commonly used to show trends over time?

No, a line graph shows data over time.

What kind of graph can you use to show a change in air temperature over a period of time?

A line graph is used to display data or information that changes continuously over time. Line graphs show overall trends such as an increase or decrease in data over time. In this case, it would show a change in air temp over a long period of time.

Why is a line graph the best graphic aid to show the data?

you can see the change over time

What graph changes in data over time?

line graph

How would you decide what graph to use in an experiment?

You would use a bar graph to show data changes over time or to show comparisons among items. A line graph can also be used to show data changes over time or comparisons. A pie/circle graph would be used to show the relative amount/size of items in a data set. A scatter plot is used to show trends and similarities in a large number of data points. This link might be useful too.

What kind of graph compares data over time?

a line graph

A graph that uses line segments to show how data changes over time is called a?

It is called a time plot.

A scientist was making a graph of his data He wanted to show the trend over time between two variables What types of graphs should he use?

Scatter graph. Double-line Graph