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Q: What type of graph would be used to graph change in concentration of carbon dioxide over time?
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What graph best shows the relationship between the concentration of carbon dioxide in earths atmosphere and the amount of infrared radiation absorbed by the atmosphere?

A line graph would be most suitable for showing the relationship between the concentration of carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere and the amount of infrared radiation absorbed by the atmosphere. The x-axis can display the concentration of CO2 in ppm, and the y-axis can show the amount of infrared radiation absorbed. This graph would illustrate any increase or decrease in radiation absorption with changing CO2 concentrations.

What would the graph of carbon dioxide storage look like?

The graph of carbon dioxide storage typically shows an increasing trend over time due to human activities such as deforestation and burning of fossil fuels. This results in a buildup of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, contributing to climate change. Efforts to mitigate this include carbon capture and storage technologies, reforestation, and reducing emissions.

What would a graph of carbon dioxide absorption look like for a forested area?

A decreasing line

What is a graph that plots the rate at which carbon dioxide is converted to glucose versus the wavelength of light illuminating a leaf is called?

The graph is called an action spectrum. It shows the efficiency of different wavelengths of light in driving photosynthesis by plotting the rate of carbon dioxide conversion to glucose against the corresponding wavelengths.

Does the amount of light affect the rate of photosynthesis?

As light intensity increases, the rate of photosynthesis will increase as long as other factors are in adequate supply. As the rate increases, eventually another factor will come into short supply. The graph below shows the effect of low carbon dioxide concentration.

What would a graph of carbon dioxide absorption look like for this forested area?

The carbon dioxide absorption graph for a forested area would likely show a steady decrease in CO2 levels as trees and plants photosynthesize and sequester carbon from the atmosphere. During the day, absorption would be higher due to active photosynthesis, while at night, absorption would decrease as respiration occurs. Over time, the graph would show fluctuations corresponding to seasonal changes in plant growth and leaf fall.

How do you calculate concentration from a thermometric titration?

To calculate the concentration from a thermometric titration, you would plot a graph of temperature change against the volume of titrant added. The end point of the titration is indicated by the maximum or minimum point on the graph. By using the volume of titrant at the end point and the stoichiometry of the reaction, you can then calculate the concentration of the analyte.

How do you find the rate order of a concentration of a substance using a graph?

The rate order of a concentration of a substance using a graph depends on the constant k. For a reactant concentration versus time graph, k is minus and the order is zero. The same goes for a logarithm reactant concentration versus time graph where the order is one. But for an inverse of reactant concentration versus time graph, the order is two and k is positive. All these graphs should have straight lines and k is the value of the slope.

Why is the graph between time and concentration curve?

The graph between time and concentration is a curve because it represents the relationship between the two variables as one changes over time. Concentration is typically plotted on the y-axis and time on the x-axis. The resulting curve can vary depending on the rate of change of concentration over time, which can be influenced by factors such as the reaction kinetics, the initial concentrations, and the presence of reactants and products.

What is the graph that measures a change over time?

Line graph

What type of graph is used to show change?

bar graph

What characteristic of a graph represents the rate of change?

The slope of a graph.