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Statistics is used to analyze and describe data sets.

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Q: What type of math is use to tell how meaningful a scientific data set is?
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What type of math is used to tell how meaningful a scientific data is?

statistics ! A+..

What type of math is used to tell how meaningful a scientific data set it?

Statistics/ Statistical Analysis

What does downward trend mean in math?

I don't know what this means but I can tell you what trends mean in math it means A trend within the data the data appears to behave. That's what I got thank you

Is a scientific calculator different from data connectivity calculator?

couldn't you tell from the name

What is the analysis of the scientific method?

The analysis part of the scientific method is the one that tries to evaluate the data. This will look at the results and determine what they tell.

Is data the result you obtain in science?

if you mean the result from an experiment, then yes. you ask a question, form a hypothesis, preform an experiment, and you get data. you analysis the data and this should tell you whether your hypothesis was right or wrong. this is the scientific method

How maths is useful to tell scientific theories?

maths is useful to tell scientific theories becaus

What does tell the rule mean in math?

It means to tell what the formula is

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What is Washington Math?

I am sorry to tell you but I did some research there is no such thing as Washington Math.

What does analysis mean in scientific method?

it mean when u are doing your project your supposes to observe what u are doing and write it down

What can't scientific laws tell you?

Scientific laws cannot normally tell you the answer to the questions that start with "WHY?". For example, "Why are we here?".