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the type of math that was invented by the Muslims was algebra

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Q: What type of math was invented by the Muslims?
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How did Muslims contribute to math?

Muslims invented algebra. They borrowed the symbols 0-9. They are today called Arabic numerals.

What type of math was invented by Pythagoras?

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How did Muslims become so advanced in math?

Muslims became so advanced in math because they were the ones to figure out shapes and our number system.

What is Muslim math called?

Islam is a religion and Math is a subject. Math is the same everywhere. The Muslims did great service in the field of Maths. Algebra has been the chief subject the Muslims contributed a lot.

Math were did it come from?

they found written math from the egyptians and babylonians algebra came from the Muslims

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It was invented in prehistory and the identity of the person is not known.

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How was algebra invented?

Algebra was invented by Muslims in ancient times.

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isaac newton invented no such math only science

Did the ancient greak invent math?

It depends on what type of math you are talking about. My social studies teacher told me that the ancient Babylonians invented place value. Idk if that's right or not but......

Why did western Europe give Muslims credit for Indian discoveries in mathematics?

Many math concepts were invented by Indians, such as zero and the "Arabic numerals". Muslims in the Middle East learned of these concepts and even added their own. They recorded and perfected mathematics, then passed on the knowledge to Europe.