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Q: What type of mobilization entails reserve components to mobilize for the duration of the emergency plus six months?
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What does mobilised mean?

It means... To put into useful action. To get moving. To get ready. To get armed forces ready to fight. So for example: "The United States joined World War One in 1917, but it took them until 1918 to mobilise their troops." "One of Germany's plans for World War One - the Schlieffen Plan - was to conquer France in 6 weeks and only then deal with France's ally - Russia. This was because Russia was expected to take six weeks to mobilise its armed forces fully." Mobilise is spelt Mobilize in US spelling.

What is the role of community mobilizer?

The Role of the Mobilizer:The role of the mobilizer is to mobilize a community to action leading to increased empowerment and self reliance.Specifically, that entails the following:To call community meetings so as to: brief all members on correct information related to community self reliance; andorganize and arrange the provision of all resources (human and materiel) needed for community actions;To stimulate community members to participate in their own community's desired development actions;To engage in activities that will promote increased community effectiveness, capacity, self reliance, and empowerment;To ensure that all information is accurate and correctly interpreted;To actively counteract incorrect information, especially that which causes unrealistic expectations, and later disappointment and discouragement;To encourage and praise community members, confirming that they have the ability to develop themselves;To ensure that every decision about what activities the community will undertake, is the choice of the whole community, not just a few (powerful) community leaders;To ensure that the vulnerable are heard in community decisions: including women, youth, disabled, ethnic minorities, the weak and disenfranchised;To promote and encourage unity in the community, unity of purpose, of goal and of action; actively counteracting forces of community disunity prejudice, bigotry, racism, sexism, clanism, patronage, caste, class;To come together frequently with other mobilizers to share experiences, mutually solve common problems, and to improve skills of social animation and community management;To assist in the learning of community management skills and techniques by community leaders and members.The community mobilizer is a social animator, and should be knowledgeable about social animation principles and skills, seeking to learn more about how communities can be stimulated to unify, take their own decisions, plan actions, identify and provide their own resources for community action, and to choose appropriate strategies for using internal and external resources to reach common community goals.

Related questions

What is the noun for mobilize?

The noun forms of the verb to mobilize are mobilizer, mobilization, and the gerund, mobilizing.

What is internal mobilization?

Internal mobilization occurs when conflicts within the government create divided factions that try to mobilize popular support.

When does accidental mobilization occur?

interest groups, rather than political parties, mobilize the majority of voters in an election.

What is mobilize?

Mobilization is the act of assembling and making both troops and supplies ready for war. Mobilization is the act of assembling and making both troops and supplies ready for war. Mobilization is the act of assembling and making both troops and supplies ready for war.

A type of party formation in which political conflict prompts officials and competing factions within government to mobilize popular support is called ______ mobilization?


What is deposit mobilization?

Banks mobilize deposits by making finances and by investing in various financial markets. Basically deposit mobilization is related to the creation of credits. The banks would have special campaigns where they would interact with a lot of people and invite them to make deposits with their bank.

What is the difference between community mobilization and social mobilization?

Community mobilization focuses on engaging and empowering individuals within a specific community to address local issues and create positive change. Social mobilization, on the other hand, involves broader efforts to mobilize society as a whole towards a common goal or cause, often through mass communication and advocacy campaigns. Both approaches involve mobilizing people, but community mobilization is more localized and focused, while social mobilization involves broader societal engagement.

What is difference between social mobilization and community mobilization?

social mobilization means mently setting of human beings for achieving agoal,while community mob ilization means aspecific group of people readiness to achieve the desire levels of goals and aims.

Tools of social mobilization?

Tools of social mobilization include social media platforms, community organizing, grassroots campaigns, and public demonstrations. These tools are used to engage and mobilize individuals towards a common goal, raise awareness, and create social change.

Steps of social mobilization?

Identify the issue: Clearly define the social issue that needs to be addressed. Build a coalition: Gather individuals and organizations that share a common interest in addressing the issue. Mobilize resources: Develop a plan to engage the community, raise awareness, and take action. Implement strategies: Utilize various tools such as advocacy, community organizing, and media outreach to drive change.

What does mobilize mean in military terms?

It means that a unit, either active or inactive, becomes mobile and ready for action, adopting wartime procedure instead of peacetime. A military unit may mobilize for a reason other than war, such as a training exercise, or to send a message to a potential enemy, but it will still mobilize in the same way as if going to war.

Why did Russia begin to mobilize its troops?

Rusia and Germany do not have a common border. Because they did not trust the Germans as farr as they could throw them. thinking as one dictatorship about another. Russia had gone to war with Germany's ally Austria. It was a preventative measure in case Germany joined the war on Austria's side.