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Q: What type of psychologist is Professor Thurstone?
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Which of these does not represent one of Thurstone's primary abilities?

Thurstone's primary abilities did not include music.

Which of these does not represent one of Thurstone's primary abilities?

Thurstone's primary abilities did not include music.

What is the Thurstone technique?

The Thurstone technique is a technique that allows subjects to express their beliefs or opinions by checking items that apply to them.

Who is the father of attitude measurement?

The father of attitude measurement is considered to be Rensis Likert, an American social psychologist who developed the Likert Scale in the 1930s. The Likert Scale is a widely used instrument for assessing attitudes and opinions in research studies.

Advantages and disadvantages of Thurstone scale?

The main advantage of a Thurstone scale is that it provided data and information about AIDS. The biggest disadvantage is that it is very complicated to figure the data.

What type of psychologist study the effects of overcrowding on humans?

Environmental Psychologist

Which level of measurement is very similar to thurstone-like scale?


What kind of job can I get once I have a PHD in Psychology?

You can be a psychologist and have your own practice, seeing patients. Or you can become a professor of psychology.

What type of psychologist studies the brain?


What type of scientist studies pshchology?

a psychologist

What has the author Louis Leon Thurstone written?

Louis Leon Thurstone has written: 'The Measurement of values. --' -- subject(s): Attitude (Psychology), Psychometrics 'Primary mental abilities' -- subject(s): Methodology, Intelligence tests, Psychology

Who is Lewis R Goldberg?

He is an American personality psychologist and is a professor at the University of Oregon. He is also a researcher at the Oregon Research Institution.