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In terms of stock analysis, volatility.

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Q: What type of risk is measured by standard deviation?
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What type of measures are the range and the standard deviation?

They are measures of the spread of data.

Which type of measure of dispersion is mostly used standard deviation or variance?

They are effectively the same but the standard deviation is more popular because the units of measurement are the same as those for the variable.

What type of policies are covered in non-standard auto programs?

All of them. Typically you can get most of the standard coverages on a non-standard or assigned risk type policy.

What are the standard units of electrical energy?

In the SI, any type of energy is measured in joules.

How do you perform Geometric standard deviation in Excel?

I just had this problem myself. A simple solution, not 'the solution' (as i believe you can pay for this function to be added to excel), is as follows: (NB. This can be checked with reference to the GEOMEAN function).e.g. your data is in column A (A3-A33)in cell B3 type =LN(A3) (i.e. the natural log)copy and paste down to B33.In B34, calculate the standard deviation of the loged numbers i.e. =STDEV(B3:B33)In A34 type =EXP(B34) This is your geometric standard deviation!!You can check this method with ref. to the GEOMEAN function.Take the mean of column B. i.e. in cell B35 type =average(B3:B33)In cell A34 type =EXP(B34).This should returen the same answer as =GEOMEAN(A3:A33)There is an error in the above mentioned function which is://In B34, calculate the standard deviation of the loged numbers i.e. =STDEV(B3:B33)Here do not calculate the STDEV(b3:b33) instead, calculate the =AVG(b3:b33)

Suppose lifetime of certain type of car batteries are normally distributed. Brand A has a mean lifetime of three years and a standard deviation of six months. Brand B has a mean lifetime of 36 months and a standard deviation of four months?

Brand A

What is the capacity of a standard hand shovel in cu inches?

The capacity of a standard hand shovel is typically around 5-10 cubic inches, depending on the size and design of the shovel. It is important to note that this capacity can vary among different shovel models and brands.

The annual precipitation for one city is normally distributed with mean of 38.9 inches and a standard deviation of 3.3 inches Find the 20th percentile?

45.665 inches Type your answer here... what is the answer??

Is mean medain standard deviation calculated as continuous data in statistics?

You can calculate the mean, median, and std dev for discrete or continuous data. Each type has its own set of formulas.

What is the frequency of of a wave measured in?

The standard unit for ANY type of frequency is the Hertz - cycles per second. Its dimensions are (1 / second).

Two liquid A and B on mixing produce a warm solution which type of deviation from Raoult's law does it show?

it shows negative deviation

What factor can researcher control that will reduce the risk of a type 1 error?

In statistical tests there are 2 main types of Errors, Type I and Type II. Type 1 errors occur when you reject a null hypothesis that is actually true and is thus refereed to as a false positive. Type II errors are essentially the opposite, accepting a null hypothesis that is false, and is often called a false negative. You can reduce the risk of a type I error by lowering the value of P that you're significance test must return to reject the null, but doing so will increase the chance of a type II error. The only way to reduce both is to increase the entire sample size. Alternatively, in some cases, it may also be possible to lower the standard deviation of the experiment, which would also decrease the risk of type I and type II errors.