well in Asia they have VERY RARE rodent named trianat and it is triangle shaped the people have them as pets and sometimes they ....eat them! i lived in Asia for 2 years and ive experienced them i hope if you have a test you get this question right from my answer thanks for asking!
the type of triangle is an equilateral triangle, meaning that all three sides are the same length and angle
A plane triangle looks like a common triangle. A plane triangle is solved with linear units. A spherical triangle is found inside of a sphere. This type of triangle is solved with angular units.
An Acute Triangle
Krill is a type of plankton - a tiny shrimp-like animal that lives in the ocean. It is not a rodent.
A mouse and/or rat.
a type of baby like triangle
Stelle (or stellette) is the type of pasta shaped like small stars.
It is from the rodent family, just like mice, rats and hamsters
yes because it is in the Rhodesia family which is Latin for rodent Type your answer here...
It is a rodent.
Depends what type of rodent but probably about a pound.
Most are not. Some people don't like small, fast, rodent-type animals.