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An isosceles triangle is a triangle where two of its sides are equal, and hence two of its angles (often called "base angles") are equal. You can think of it as an equilateral triangle with one of its sides shortened or lengthened.

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Q: What type of trianlge is an isosceles?
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What is a isosceles trianlge?

An isosceles triangle (180*) - two sides are the same length.

What trianlge has 3 angles and two are the same?

A isosceles triangle

Does an isosceles trianlge have 2 equal sides or none at all?

An isosceles triangle has two equal sides.

A trianlge that contains an obtuse angle?

It could be an isosceles triangle or a scalene triangle.

What trianlge as 2 congruent sides?

Well a triangle with two congruent sides would be called a isosceles triangle. It has a vertex, two base angles, two legs, and a base.

What is the area of a trianlge?

180 degrees

Is isosceles a 2 dimensional object?

"Isosceles" is a type of triangle. Triangles are two-dimensional.

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What type of triangle can an isosceles triangle be?

Any type of triangle determined by its angle can be an isosceles triangle. A scalene or right triangle can't.

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No, they cannot.

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