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Q: What types of questions did Rene Descartes invent?
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What were Rene Descartes' occupations?

It sounds like that Rene Descartes wanted to be a teacher and teach different types of subjects.

How did Rene Descartes invent scientific notation?

He developed the concepts which were set out by Archimedes.

Who raised Rene Descartes?

Rene Descartes

When did Rene descartes become famous?

Rene Descartes became famous in November 1628 during a trip to Paris where he had a confrontation with Chandoux. Chandoux believed that science was based on probabilities. Descartes attacked this view and created a whirlwind of questions.

Invented of Rene descartes?

Rene Descartes was a real person. Nobody invented him!

When Rene descartes?

Rene Descartes was a French mathematician who created coordinated geometry.

Who developed rationalism?

Rene Descartes was the father of rationalism.

Who is the father of Rene Descartes?

Joachim Descartes

How did Rene descartes invent the cartesian coordinate plane?

There is an urban myth that Descartes invented the Cartesian plane by watching a fly on the ceiling and then trying to describe its movements based on its distance from the walls.

How did Frances bacon and Rene Descartes contribute to science?

Both Francis Bacon and Rene Descartes created scientific methods. Francis Bacon was a philosopher and Rene Descartes was a philosopher and mathematician.

What was the name of Rene' descartes daughter?

Rene Descartes had a daughter named Francine Descartes, who tragically died as an infant at just five years old.

Did Rene' Descartes have any special awards or recognition?

Rene Descartes did win any awards or special recognition.