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Q: What types of statements can justify the steps of a proof?
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What types of statements cannot justify the steps of a proof?

Logically invalid statements.

Which types of statements can justify the steps of proof?

which of the following types of statement can be used to explain the steps of proof?

Which types of statements cannot be used to justify proof?

guess and conjeture

What types of statement can be used to explain the steps of a proof?

The corollaries types of statement is what is used to explain the steps of a proof.

What types of the statement can be used to explain the steps of a proof?

The corollaries types of statement is what is used to explain the steps of a proof.

Which of the following types of statement cannot be used to justify the steps of a proof check all that apply a guess b theorem c conjecture d postulate?

Guess Conjecture

Which of the following types of statement cannot be used to explain the steps of a proof Check all that apply?

Conjecture and Guess.

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the two types are steps and nonsteps

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I am not really sure what you are asking but there are 3 types of proofs in geometry a flow proof, a 2-collumn proof, and a paragraph proof.

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Left, right, centre and justify.

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The two types of defamation are libel, which involves written or published false statements that harm someone's reputation, and slander, which involves spoken false statements that harm someone's reputation.

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Mission Statements contain important information about a company in a nutshell. This should include the the company mission (what the company does, its products, its services and its customers). These types of Statements focus on today.Vision Statements contain details of the company's future - its vision (the future plans with aims and objectives). These types of Statements focus on tomorrow.