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A theodolite is used to measure angles of a plane. This can be both vertical or horizontal, and it is used with high precision.

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Related questions

What does a theodolite measure?


Can a theodolite measure angles?


What is theodolite and parts of theodolite?

theodolite is a surveying instrument.It is is used for measure the horizontal & vertical angles of theodolite trivet,upper plate lower plate,plomb bob,telescope,vernierscale,leveling screw,tribrach,etc.,

What are the differences between a theodolite and a tacheometre?

when theodolite is fixed with analytic lens then it is called tachometer, without the analytic lens the instrument would be called as constant zero.

What was used to measure angles?

* theodolite * protractor * sundial * the hand

Equipments used to measure the angle of elevation?

Theodolite on land, sextant at sea

How do you operate digital theodolite machine?

A theodolite machine is a tool used by land surveyers to measure verticle and horizontal angles. A digital theodolite machine is one with a digital display. You may fine video instruction on how to operate this machine on youtube.

When do you use theodolite for surveying?

To measure Angles, Process of Measuring Horizontal and vertical Angles

What is the difference between thedolite and total station?

A theodolite is a surveying instrument used to measure horizontal and vertical angles. It requires a separate instrument to measure distances. A total station is a surveying instrument that combines the functions of a theodolite and distance measuring device, allowing for simultaneous measurement of angles and distances.

Who is the father of Theodolite?

Father of Theodolite

What instrument is used to measure sun's altitude?

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What is tacheometric surveying?

the special type of theodolite used to measure horizontal and vertical distance and horizontal angle.