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A degree Celsius (which is also the same a a Kelvin).

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Q: What unit for temperature is always used for thermochemical calculations?
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What temperature unit is needed for all gas law calculations?

The temperature unit needed for all gas law calculations is generally in Kelvin (K). This is because the Kelvin scale is an absolute temperature scale, where 0 K represents absolute zero, the lowest possible temperature. Temperature in Kelvin is necessary to maintain consistency in gas law calculations.

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When you talk about temperature in science what does k stand for?

In science, "K" typically stands for Kelvin - the unit of temperature in the International System of Units (SI). It is based on the Celsius scale and is used to measure temperature in many scientific contexts.

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No, centigrade is a unit of temperature, not amplitudes.No, centigrade is a unit of temperature, not amplitudes.No, centigrade is a unit of temperature, not amplitudes.No, centigrade is a unit of temperature, not amplitudes.

The what is the SI unit for temperature?

The Kelvin is the SI unit for thermodynamic temperature.

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What is the SI base unit for temperature?

The SI base unit for temperature is the Kelvin (K).

What is the base is unit for temperature?

The base unit of Temperature is Kelvin (K)