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Q: What unit is used for the rate of current?
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What is the unit for rate of electric current?

The unit for rate of electric current is ampere (A). It represents the flow of electric charge per unit of time in a circuit.

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What Unit of measuring rate of electron flow in a circuit?

That's the electrical current, also known simply as "current". The SI unit for current is the ampere.

What is the unit used to measure electric flow?

The SI unit for measuring an electric current is the ampere, which is the flow of electric charge across a surface at the rate of one coulombper second.

What is a unit of measuring rate of electron flow in a circuit called?

The unit of measuring the rate of electron flow in a circuit is called amperes (A). It represents the quantity of electrical charge passing through a point in a circuit per unit of time.

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What is called the unit of electric current?

The unit of electric current is called the ampere, which is symbolized as "A". It represents the rate of flow of electric charge or the amount of charge passing through a point in a circuit per unit time.

What is current and its unit?

Electric current is the flow of electric charge and is measured in amperes (A). Current is the rate at which electric charge flows through a conductor per unit time.

What unit of measure is used to measure current?

Ampere is the unit used to measure the current.

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unit price

What is the unit for measuring the rate of electron flow in a circuit?

Electron flow is known as current. SI unit is Ampere