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Q: What unit of power is equal to one?
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How do you write the quantity 40W in terms of newtons?

Watt is a unit of power, newton is a unit of force. 1 joule (unit of enrgy) is equal to one newton-meter, and one watt (unit of power) is equal to one joule/second, so 1 W = 1 Nm/s.

The rate at which energy is transfered is called?

That is called "power". The SI unit of energy is the joule, the SI unit for power is the watt, which is equal to joules/second.That is called "power". The SI unit of energy is the joule, the SI unit for power is the watt, which is equal to joules/second.That is called "power". The SI unit of energy is the joule, the SI unit for power is the watt, which is equal to joules/second.That is called "power". The SI unit of energy is the joule, the SI unit for power is the watt, which is equal to joules/second.

In what metric unit is power measured?

The basic metric unit for electrical power measurement is the watt, which is equal to one joule per second.

What is one tenth of a bel?

A unit of power or intensity equal to one tenth of a bel is a decibel.

What is an abwatt?

An abwatt is a unit of electrical power equal to one ten-millionth of a watt.

What is power and what is the unit for power?

Power is the rate at which work is done or energy is transferred. It is measured in watts (W), with one watt equal to one joule per second.

What unit is power measured in?

The SI unit for power is the watt, which is equal to joules/second.The SI unit for power is the watt, which is equal to joules/second.The SI unit for power is the watt, which is equal to joules/second.The SI unit for power is the watt, which is equal to joules/second.

1 unit of power equal to how many watts?

A unit is not used to measure power, but energy.A unit is used by British electrical companies to measure energy consumption, and is short for 'Board of Trade Unit'. A unit is equivalent to a kilowatt hour. A watt, on the hand, is used to measure power, not energy -so you cannot relate a unit to a watt.

What is a milliwatt?

A unit of power equal to one thousandth (10-3) of a watt.

What is a unit equal to one one-thousandth of a liter?

A unit equal to one-one thousandth of a liter is a milliliter

What is the SL unit of power?

I don't know about SL. If you mean SI, the unit of power is the watt (equal to joules/second).

What does the light bulb do how can you use it?

Light bulbs provides light with the help of electricty,so we can say that bulb consume power and unit of power is kilowwatthour is equal to one unit also.