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You may use either the centimeter (cm) or millimeter (mm) to measure the width of a page of text (or a sheet of paper). For instance, A4 papers have a width of approximately 210mm (or 21cm), and a length of 297mm (or 29.7cm).

For thickness measurements of a page of text (or a sheet of paper), you may use the units of millimeter (mm) or micrometer (μm). Generally, most paper types are between 50μm and 100μm (or 0.05mm to 0.1mm), although thicker papers (e.g. cardstock, glossy pages of photo inserts in some texts, etc) may have thickness measurements in the range of >100μm (or >0.1mm).

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Q: What unit should you use to measure the width of a page of text?
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What doesCtrl plus a do?

CTRL+A highlights all text on your current page.

How do you measure length of a text book?

I suggest you use a ruler.

What is a line or several lines of text in the margin space at the bottom of every page?


Three APA Standards to Know?

In education, individuals will have to become familiar with the American Psychological Association (APA) standards to write academic papers. This can definitely present a challenge because when individuals start out in college they are interested to Modern Language Association (MLA). There are three APA standards that individuals should know to be successful in any academic program in which requires APA formatting. These three standards are the following: 1. Include a Title Page: There should be a title page for every academic paper submitted. When including a title page, individuals need to include their name, course title, and course number, date, professor name, and name of the educational institution. Not to mention, there should be a running head included as well. Depending on the institution, a page number may be required on the title page, but most do not require it. The page number on the title page must be hidden. 2. Include References : With any academic paper, individuals should include references. Most online courses will have resources available to help with formatting, but it is the student's responsibility to utilize these resources. Last but not least, individuals should make sure that all references are listed on a separate page at the end of the assignment. 3. Cite References within the Text: If individuals are using references, then there should be evidence within the text to show that these references have been used. Instructors will look to see if both in-text citations and references are used in all academic assignments. In-text citations are used when individuals cite someone else's work. They should be written as the following: (author's last name, year) or (author's last name, year, page number). After these in-text citations have been written, individuals need to fully explain the significance of the quote. 4. Place Appendix Items in the Correct Place: If individuals are using appendix items, then these should go directly after the reference page. In other words, if there is extra information such as an outline or resources, then these items should be labeled as an appendix These are the most common APA standards in which individuals lose points on their assignment. Therefore, it would be in one's best interest to take some time out and learn these three APA standards.

Should you text him first or wait?

i would wait..if you really like him you should wait because you should make sure he likes you too. don't worry he will text you back hopefully.I would text him, but it depends on your personality. if youre bubbly and flirty, then its normal to text him more than once, BUT DONT BE ANNOYING ABOUT IT! dont constantly text him. if youre more laid back, i think you should wait. if its been more than a few days, maybe you should text him, but just once. never know, he may not have gotten it.

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What metric unit would you use for the width of a page of a text?


What would you use to measure the width of a page of text?

You can use a ruler or a measuring tape to measure the width of a page of text. Simply place the ruler or measuring tape along the edge of the page and note the measurement where the text begins and ends.

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Millimeters are commonly used. It is also possible to use cm or dm.

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You achieve this by using the CSS width property. For example, if I wanted all text boxes to have a width of 325px I can achieve this using the following CSS rule declaration: input[type="text"] { width: 325px; } This rule applies only to those input elements with a type="text" which is what is used in HTML to create a text box in a form and sets the width to be 325px wide.

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YES. Reference: Microsoft Office Excel 2010: Introductory by Gary B. Shelley and Jeffrey J. Quasney Page EX 144 (Excel Chapter 3), Text Box "Plan the layout of a worksheet", 3rd sentence - states: "Rotated text also allows you to fit more text into a smaller column width." READ YOUR TEXTBOOK AND YOU'LL FIND THE ANSWERS TO THE HOMEWORK/TEST. SMH.

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You can download the text app from the app store on your Ipad. All Ipads already have the app store installed when you buy it. It should be on the first page. ;)