Yards or Foot.
miles or kilomiters
A metres, for an approximate measure, a centimetre for a more accurate measure.
The ISO length unit to use would be the cementer.
The 'foot' or the 'meter' would both do nicely.
A foot.
This cannot be answered since a linear foot is a measure of length while a square foot is a measure of area.
Inches or centimeters.
the units that are used to measure a foot are meters and inches.
An inch is roughly the width of your thumb at the base, while a foot is approximately the length of an adult's foot.
it's not an amount of feet. a square foot is a square, that is a foot by a foot. A foot is a unit of measurement. A square foot is also a unit of measurement. Whenever you measure a length, such as with a tape measure, you are measuring in feet. If you are measuring the area of a shape, you are measuring in square feet.
Foot (pl. feet) is an obsolete, non-SI, Brtish unit for distance (length). You can measure any distance (generally short) or length.
Yards or Foot.
There is no way to convert between feet (length) and square feet (area). A square foot is a measure of area while feet are a measure of distance. The two measure different things. To get square footage, you have to have a length in feet and a width in feet.