75.15 divides by 15.12 = 4.970238095238096
1 divides into 121 and 42.
The divisor is the number that divides
The Equator divides the southern and northern hemisphere.
There are around 200 countries in the world and there will be a different line of latitude for each one. Since you have not bothered to specify which country, I cannot provide a more helpful answer.
A secret. It divides those who know it from those who do not, but when shared, it unites people in a common understanding or bond.
It unites by going around 2 or more countries. For example; It unites Czech Republic and Slovakia. It divides by going through the country Hungary for example.
The answer will depend a lot on who you mean with "us". But in general, getting more united should be both possible and desirable.
The quote "What unites us is greater than what divides us" is attributed to John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States. He used this phrase in a speech delivered in West Berlin in 1963 during the Cold War.
Garfield lived in the Unites States of America and that is the country he served.
The end communism in the country.
Canada is the country that divides Alaska from the 48 lower US states.
Rio Coco divides Honduras and Nicaragua.
Puerto Rico