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Q: What value or values of m1 are allowable for an orbital with i equals 2?
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What is the maximum value that m can have for a 3d orbital?

The maximum value for m in a 3d orbital is 2. This corresponds to the three possible orientations of the orbital along the x, y, and z axes.

Which is the prompt button or hyperlink on a computer keyboard?

Invalid value -- press the prompt button or hyperlink for a list of valid values The value entered in the field does not match one of the allowable values. You can see the allowable values by pressing the Prompt button or hyperlink

Mean equals 26.8 and median equals 27.9 then what is mode?

A specific value for the mode cannot be given with the information provided. The arithmetic mean = Sum of all the values ÷ The number of values. The median is the value which lies halfway along the series when arranged in ascending or descending order. The mode of a set of values is the value which occurs most frequently.

What does the third quantum number m describe?

The third quantum number, m, describes the orientation of the atomic orbital in space. It specifies the orientation of the orbital within a particular subshell. The values of m range from -l to +l, where l is the azimuthal quantum number.

What is the exclude value of y equals 1-2x-1?

There are no exclude values of the equation, as given.

The numerical values of the magnetic quantum number m1 depends on the?

The values of the magnetic quantum number depend on the value of the azimuthal quantum number (orbital angular momentum quantum number) and has values -l, .. 0 . ..+l l=1, p orbital, -1, 0, +1 - three p orbitals l=2 d orbital -2, -1, 0., +1,+2 five d orbitals etc.

What is the value of y in y equals -27x plus 75?

It depends on the value of 'x'. 'y' can have as many different values as 'x' can.

What is the difference between the 2px orbital and the 2py orbital?

The 2px orbital points along the x-axis, the 2py orbital points along the y-axis. They have the same energy but differ in orientation in space.

What is the allowable neutrophil cell number in urine?

The normal value is zero, although some reference values may allow up to trace amounts in a free catch sample.

What are the points for 8y equals x?

There are infinitely many. For each value of x there is a value of y, and there are an infinite number of values of x to start with.

What is the value of 2m for m equals 1 2 and 3?

There is NO single value (THE vallue) for 2m when m takes three different values.

How do you change dc values to ac values?

To convert DC values to AC values if you are wanting RMS values they are the same. 100V DC and 100V AC (RMS) are the same "value". If you want to know the Peak-To-Peak AC value you would multiply the RMS value by 1.414. So 100V AC RMS equals 141.4 V Peak to Peak.