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None of the "following".

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Q: What values entered as the left indent value would result in outdenting into the left margin?
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What type of indent result in subsequent lines of a paragraph being indented more than the first line?

A hanging indent is a type of indent where the first line of a paragraph is not indented, but subsequent lines are indented more than the first line. This is often used in bibliographies and references lists.

What was a result of the stock market crash farmers problems and the overuse of credit?

The country entered a depression as the result of the stock market crash.

What alignment will result in a ragged left and right margin?

Justified alignment will result in a ragged left and right margin, as it aligns the text on both sides by adjusting the spacing between words. This can create uneven gaps between words, leading to a jagged appearance at the margins.

What is the concept of margin?

Is the change on the output of hiring one more worker as opposed to the last worker who was hired or fired. As a result which measures the output of the margin.

What is usually found at an active margin but NOT at a passive margin?

Earthquakes and volcanic activity are typically found at active margins but not at passive margins. Active margins are characterized by tectonic plate interactions that can lead to these types of geological events.

What was the result of the vote on the Constitution in Delaware?

failed to ratify the Constitution by a large margin

What kind of plate boundary does MtFuji have?

Mt. Fuji is a result of subduction at a convergent plate margin.

Which type of centering result when text is centering between the top and bottom margin?

It is centred vertically.

How did Maine gain statehood?

It entered the Union as a result of the Missouri Compromise.

California entered the union as a free state as a result of the?

Compromise of 1850

I was told that you should divide the cost of an item by .75 for a 25 perc. margin. However this result is different from a 25 markup. What is the difference between a percentage markup and a margin?

Margin is the percentage of profit based on sales price while mark-up is the percentage gain based on cost. A 25% mark-up results in a 20% margin. For example, an item costs $80. You mark it up 25% (80 x 1.25) and you selling price is $100. A profit of $20 is 20% of $100 so you have a 20% margin. Similarly, a 50% mark-up will result in a 33% margin. To calculate the selling price at a given margin, you have the correct formula. You divide the cost by 1 minus the margin percentage. So, if you want a 25% margin, your cost will be 75% of the selling price. So you take cost divided by .75 to arrive at the price. If you want a 30% margin, divide your cost by .7 which is (1 - .3).

What was a result of the stock market farmers problem and the overuse of credit?

the country entered into a depression