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r, for radius

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Q: What variable would you use to calculate the area or circumference of a circle?
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How do you calculate area of circle without radius?

Well, what you do is you would find the circumference, or the distance around the circle.

how to find radius of circle if you know equation?

To calculate the radius of a circle by using the circumference, take the circumference of the circle and divide it by 2 times π. For a circle with a circumference of 15, you would divide 15 by 2 times 3.14 and round the decimal point to your answer of approximately 2.39

Why would someone need to calculate the circumference of the circle?

To know how fay you travel in one rotation of the wheel.

What is the circumference of a circle of 24cm?

The circumference of a circle is calculated using the formula C = 2πr, where C is the circumference and r is the radius of the circle. In this case, if the diameter of the circle is 24 cm, the radius would be half of that, which is 12 cm. Using the formula, we can calculate the circumference as follows: C = 2πr C = 2π(12 cm) C = 24π cm So, the circumference of a circle with a diameter of 24 cm is 24π cm.

The diameter is 12 and the circumference is 37.68 for the large circle for the small circle the diameter is 6 what is the circumference?

The circumference of the small circle would be 18.84.

How do you find the diameter without the circumference?

The diameter of a circle can be found without the circumference using the formula d = 2r. This formula requires that you know the radius of the circle which is half of the diameter. To calculate the diameter you need to multiply the radius by 2. For example if the radius of the circle is 4 then the diameter would be 8 (4 x 2 = 8).You can also find the diameter of a circle if you know the circumference. To do this use the formula c = d. By rearranging the equation you can calculate the diameter as d = c/. For example if the circumference of the circle is 12.5 the diameter would be 4 (12.5/ = 4).

If the circle is 8 inches what would be the circumference?

If the circle is 8 inches in diameter, its circumference would be: 25.13 inches (diameter x Pi = circumference)

How would you calculate the circumference of a circle if the diameter is 4.1cm?

Circumference = pi*diameter where pi is a mathematical constant whose value is approx 3.1416 So, diameter = 4.1 cm means circumference = 12.88 cm

How do you calculate the perimeter of a semi circle?

The perimater of a circle is the same as the circumference of a circle, but if it's only a half of a circle (semi-circle) you would use the formula 2*pi*r/2 If it's a quarter of a whole circle, or a fifth of a circle, then you would divide it by 4 or 5.

On calculator what is the circumference of a circle with a radius 2cm?

The formula to calculate is: πD (or 2πr) On calculator, π=3.141592654 So it would be 12.56637062cm

In a circle the circumference and diameter vary directly Which of the following equations would allow you to find the diameter of a circle with a circumference of 154 if you know that in a second ci?

In a circle, the circumference and diameter vary directly. Which of the following equations would allow you to find the diameter of a circle with a circumference of 154 if you know that in a second circle the diameter is 14 when the circumference is 44?

A circle with a diameter of 10 inches would have a circumference of about?

Circumference of circle: 10*pi = about 31.4 inches