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Q: What variables are represented on the graph Hint there are three variables Describe each variable in terms of the categories or the range of values used?
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What is a tabular summary of data for two variables one variable represented by rows and one variable represented by columns called?

Cross-tabulation or two-way tabulation.

How many categories of variables are there in C?

there r 3 types of variable in 'C' Integer Float Character

What is an variable?

A variable is a value that is not always the same number. In alegebra, it is represented as a letter. In the equasion Y=4X+5, 'Y' and 'X' are both variables.

How would you describe the three different types of variables?

consonant depedent controlled variable

What does a variable stand for in math?

A variable is a very important thing when you are doing an experiment. These are things that have an effect on the experiment. There are three categories of variables in math:The controlled variable: variable the never changesThe manipulated variable: variable that does changeThe responding variable: the result of the experiment

What are categorical variables?

Categorical variables are variables that represent categories or groups. They are qualitative in nature and can take on values that are in a finite set of distinct categories, but do not have a inherent order or numerical significance. Examples include color (red, blue, green) or gender (male, female).

How do the test variables (independent variables) and outcome variables (dependent variables) in an experiment compare?

The test variable (independent variable) controls the outcome variable (dependent variable).

What is nominal and ordinal in qualitative variables?

In qualitative variables, nominal data involves categories with no inherent order, such as colors or types of fruit. Ordinal data, on the other hand, includes categories that have a meaningful order or ranking, such as education levels or customer satisfaction ratings.

What are the numbers represented by variables called?

The numbers that are represented by a variable is better known as a coefficient. Otherwise known as a constant. The constant always stays the same such as in a scientific problem in an experiment.

What are the three different kinds of variable and describe each?

the three kinds of variables are independent,dependent and controlled

What are the different types of varibles?

i dont't know them all but i hope this helps: - categoric variables: these are the variables that have values that fall into categories and have labels. eg. types of metal - continuous variables: these can have any number or value. eg. the temperature in a room. always plot this type of variable in a line graph. - discrete variables: the values of these variables are definite numbers, and are not continuous. eg. size of shoes- can only be in sizes and half sizes. i hope this is some help :D

What is a changeable quantity called?

A changeable quantity is called a variable. Variables can take different values and are typically represented by letters in mathematical equations.