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the can suck my dic

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Q: What variables determine the worldwide distribution of corals?
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Related questions

Why soft corals live in deeper water than hard corals?

soft corals live deeper water than hard corals because soft corals do not create a hard outer skeleton as the hard corals do.

Are corals plants or fish?

Corals are plants.

Are corals decomposers?

Corals are not decomposers. They are consumers.

How many reef building corals are in the Great Barrier Reef?

Not all corals are reef-building. The IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) has determined that there are some 875 reef-building coral species worldwide. 27% of these are threatened, and another 20% are near- threatened, while there is insufficient data on another 17%.In the Great Barrier Reef itself, it is estimated there are about 350 species of reef-building corals.

Differences between hermatypic and ahermatypic corals?

Hermatypic corals contain zooxanthellae (a symbiotic algae), whereas ahermatypic corals do not. It is like saying that hermatypic corals are photosynthetic, where ahermatypic corals are non photosynthetic.

Can sea corals be eaten by humans?

No, corals are not edible.

Do corals have exoskeleton?

Yes, corals are composed of an exoskeleton

What is the effect of dynamite fishing and muro ami on the productivity of corals?

dynamite fishing and muro ami can destroy corals so if there are less corals, less corals will be produced.

Does corals eat zooxanthellae?

No corals doesn't eat zooxanthellae they only eat zooplankton. Zooxanthallae helps corals to live and keeps corals colourful.They live on the coral polyps.

How does algae benefit the corals?

Many corals, specifically hermatypic corals, contain symbiotic algae that provide the coral with sugar from photosynthesis. Algae also feed zooplankton, which corals feed on. Basically, algae provide corals with food, indirectly.

What has the author John West Wells written?

John West Wells has written: 'Eocene corals from Eua, Tonga' -- subject(s): Fossil Corals, Fossil Fishes, Fossil Otoliths, Paleontology 'Some fossil corals from the West Indies' -- subject(s): Fossil Corals, Paleontology 'Fossil corals from Eniwetok Atoll' -- subject(s): Fossil Corals, Paleontology 'Recent corals of the Marshall Islands' -- subject(s): Corals

What is the time when corals give birth?

Corals do not give birth.