

What variables in y and x science?

Updated: 10/26/2022
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13y ago

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These variables are just that...variable. They are unknown values and used to symbolize this. They can be anything .. unknown. And in science and math you need to sovle for them in the equation they are used...

Math... x, y and z are commonly used. For graphing solutions to equations there are three dimensions where x is lehgth, y is width and z is height although they could have other means.

3 + x = 9 Solve for x....

x = 6


x + y = 12 Where x = # of boys and y = # of girls at a party. z = total people at the party. These equations are used in word problems for example.

But in Math the variables are assign what they represent even though their value is unknown, as I listed above with the x = # of boys for example.

In Science variables are used to sybolize the scientific principles making to easier to remember what you need to calculate the equation. Take Physics for example. To determine Force, the equation is F=mA where...

F= Force

m= mass of item involved in the force

A= Acceleration

Units of measure must be in the same measurement system, e.g. metric Force is in Newtons, mass is in grams and acceleration is in meters/time (seconds) squared.

What is the Force of 3 grams of granite traveling at an acceleration of 9.8 meters/sec/sec?

F=mA....plug in the values... F=(3)*(9.8) = 29.4 Newtons

All variables all can stand/represent for something.

In science you can use x, y, and z to represent variables too.

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