

Best Answer

Provided the seeds are viable, all vegetables begin to grow upon germination and
continue to grow constantly. However, very few varieties are pickable or edible
after only 2 weeks.

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Q: What vegetables that grow in less than 2 weeks?
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How are fruit and vegetables different?

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7 weeks greater or less than 52 days?


Does Alaska grow larger vegetables than other states?

no! what are you crazy!?

How fast do albino African clawed frogs grow?

They grow pretty fast. When i got mine she was less than an inch big. Then after 2 or 3 weeks she was 3 inches big! Thank you for reading

What is bigger 0.7 weeks or 30 days?

0.7 weeks is less than 1 week and so less than 7 days.

Are vegetables healthier than fruit?

Vegetables are healthier! It has more iron, less sugars, and more fiber.

Can you recommend a good book for vegetable gardening?

The Sustainable Vegetable Garden.How To Grow More Vegetables Than You Ever Thought Possible Less Land Than You Can Imagine.Vegetable Gardening for Dummies.Three great books to get you started.

Is 29 days less than 4 weeks?

1 week = 7 days 4 weeks = 28 days So 29 days is not less than 4 weeks.

Is 5 months greater than or less than 40 weeks?

Much less- 5 months amounts to 20 weeks, as there are 4 weeks to a month, so 4 weeks x 5 = 20. There are 52 weeks in a year, so 40 weeks is 9 months.

Does frozen vegetables usually cost more or less than fresh vegetables?

fresh are generally, they taste less processed and are much better for you. frozen vegetables are ok if you are buying in bulk or will be storing the vegetables for a longer period.

Which is less than 18 weeks?

1 year