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someone that keeps finding pennys on the ground and then relized that the person in front of him/her has a hole in his/her pocket

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Q: What walks backwards every three minutes?
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What does santa say when he walks backwards?

"Was ist suche sie hinter dieser Wand?" (What am I looking for behind this wall?)

How long does it take to walk three tenths of a mile?

That depends on how fast you walk. On average a person walks a mile in about 20 minutes, so it would take about 6 minutes to walk three tenths of a mile.

Cold play song in video he walks backwards?

the scientist i think

Is backward an adverb?

Yes, backwards (or backward) is an adverb. Example: He walks backwards. It can also be used as an adjective. Example: That's a backwards way of doing things.

What is your dog saying when he walks backwards?

Your dog will walk backwards on the linoleum floor because it feels cornered. Your dog may also walk backwards because they are playing.

Your dog walks backwards down the hall or into a room?

I want to know the answer myself.

A security guard walks the equivalent of six city blocks when he makes a circuit around the building If he walks at a pace of eight city blocks every 30 minutes how long will it take him to complete?

A security guard walks the equivalent of six city blocks when he makes a circuit around the building. If he walks at a pace of eight city blocks every 30 minutes, how long will it take him to complete a circuit around the building, assuming he doesn't run into any thieves?

A tortoise is walking in the desert. It walks for 9.6 meters at a speed of 6 meters per minute. For how many minutes does it walk?

1.6 minutes 1 minute, 36 seconds

When do you take your horse on walks?

every day

What is the name of the movie where the guy walks backwards on all fours and the lady climbs the wall and the ceiling?

Legion. It's the movie about demons.

How much love does a dog need?

It all depends on the breed, age and temperament of the dog. At a bare minimum 15 minutes of close attention or playtime with your dog every day in addition to regular walks.