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Q: What warship is smaller than a destroyer?
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What is the name of a warship beginning with the letter c?

Cruisers are a warship. They are larger than a destroyer.

What do you get when you cross a Battleship and a Destroyer?

A cruiser. This is the medium sized warship; the "Tin Can" (destroyer) is the smallest warship.

What is the destroyer?

Well, "a" destroyer is a type of warship. "the" destroyer usually indicates a synonym for Satan. He is called the betrayer and the destroyer sometimes.

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What is the synonym for frigate?

A frigate can be any of several classes of "warship." Modern frigates are similar in size to destroyers, i.e. smaller than cruisers. US frigates are comparable to the Destroyer Escorts of World War II, which were more heavily armed ships.

What is the difference between a frigate and a destroyer?

Frigates are smaller than destroyers

What does corvette means?

A small, fast, very maneuverable warship used for coastal patrol during WWII era against the German U-boats. The name "Corvette" was penned by England's PM Sir Winston Churchill.

What animal was the Corvette named after?

It wasn'tnamed after an animal. It was named after a British type of warship similar to an American destroyer.

What is the difference between a destroyer a Corvette and a frigate?

in Naval terminology, adestroyer is a fast and maneuverable yet long-endurance ship intended to escort larger vessels in a fleet.a Corvette is a small, manoeuvrable, lightly armed warship, originally smaller than a frigate and larger than a coastal Patrol shipA frigate (pronounced frigit) is a warship. The term has been used for warships of many sizes and roles over the past few centuries.

What was the main purpose of the destroyer warship?

The main purpose of a destroyer warship is to provide a defensive escort for a fleet of vessels, to protect them against attackers. Originally the term comes from "Torpedo Boat Destroyers", but it was abbreviated to Destroyer by the early 20th century. They have evolved in line with the threats that may be posed to the fleets they defend, and are now also known as "Guided Missile Destroyers"

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What kind of ship is a corvet?

A corvet (sometimes known as a corvette) is a type of warship. It is generally a small warship that is smaller than a frigate. The corvette was popular during World War II.