she invented the first computer program and solved lots of problems
Euler made important discoveries in fields as diverse as infinitesimal calculus and graph theory. He also introduced much of the modern mathematical terminology and notation, particularly for mathematical analysis, such as the notion of a mathematical function. He is also renowned for his work in mechanics, fluid dynamics, optics, and astronomy. While I believe the preceding paragraph to be easy to understand, most of Euler's work is not.
Ada Lovelace is best known as the first computer programmer.
she did the world
Ada Lovelace went to school from when she was 6 years old to about 18
Carl P. Munck was an archaeocryptographer, which is science of decoding monuments such as the pyramids, Stonehenge and so on. This began as a hobby. He was a cryptographer. His "credentials" rest with his mathematical discoveries regarding megalithic monuments , which become self-evident , after he discovered them and published his findings .
Lord Byron.
She was the first computer programmer ever and thats all I know
Ada lovelace was known for her computing skills. She figured out difficult problems. Which computers and calculators figure out for us now..
they were mini pplz in her life and thr nms were penut clover and lotti bustoch
Ada Lovelace's mother was Anne Isabella "Annabella" Milbanke.
she once tried to make 'a thing' in the form of a horse with a steam-engine(which is basically a unicorn)
Four of Ada Lovelace's vices are men, gambling, drugs, and alcohol. She used laudanum and morphine, and drank brandy and beer usually. The two drugs were prescribed to her, but she became addicted.
Just the fact that she could publish mathematical papers under her own name in the 1840s and have other mathematicians read them was an accomplishment!
pytagoras made one that i know of and that is the pythagorean therom
Charles Babbage was Ada Bryon Lovelace's mentor. He helped her to begin mathematical studies with Augustus de Moyan in 1840 at the University of London.