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Discovering the equation: E = mc2

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Q: What was Albert Einstein's most significant moment?
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Who made e equals mc2?

it is Albert Einsteins most famous formula

What was Albert Einsteins early childhood like?

albert Einstein was the first child to be born to hermann and paluine .hermann began toworkin a crashed and they leaved to muncih to start an electrical engineering busniess with his brother.pauline had a talet for music and teached albert the piano but most of all she encouraged him with his passion the violin which he learned for 7 years

What was Albert Einsteins most famous formula used for?

In physics, mass-energy equivalence is the concept that mass and energy are the same thing. This is better known in its formula E=MC2 developed by Albert Einstein, which led to nuclear binding (and splitting?) which ultimately provided the basis for the atomic bomb.

What is the most significant section in the Hebrew scriptures?

Most Jews would say that the Torah is the most significant section.

How do you enter a number in bits?

I assume you mean a binary representation of a number.The "least significant bit" (usually the one to the far right but in some languages it has another placement) is "ones"the next most significant bit are the twosThe third most significant bit are the foursetc.So if your number is 37there is one 32 (the sixth most significant bit)no 16's (the fifth most significant bit)no 8's (the fourth most significant bit)one 4 (the third most significant bit)no 2's (the second most significant bit)one 1 (the least most significant bit)if we are to fill an 8 bit "word " we get:0010 0101

Related questions

Who made e equals mc2?

it is Albert Einsteins most famous formula

Who is a significant person from Germany?

The most significant person I can think of, would be: Albert Einstein

What was Einsteins equasion?

Dr. Albert Einstein's Most Popular Equation Is E=MC² This Means E = energy M = mass C2 = speed of light squared

What important events happen during albert einsteins life?

Some important events during Albert Einstein's life include his development of the theory of relativity, winning the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921, his involvement in advocating for civil rights, fleeing Nazi Germany during World War II, and his death in 1955.

What was Albert Einsteins early childhood like?

albert Einstein was the first child to be born to hermann and paluine .hermann began toworkin a crashed and they leaved to muncih to start an electrical engineering busniess with his brother.pauline had a talet for music and teached albert the piano but most of all she encouraged him with his passion the violin which he learned for 7 years

What was einsteins most popular discovery?

A discovery

What was einsteins most famous theory?


What was Albert Einsteins most famous formula used for?

In physics, mass-energy equivalence is the concept that mass and energy are the same thing. This is better known in its formula E=MC2 developed by Albert Einstein, which led to nuclear binding (and splitting?) which ultimately provided the basis for the atomic bomb.

When was Albert Einstein's memorable moment?

Albert Einstein had many memorable moments in his life, but one of the most famous was in 1905 when he published his theory of relativity (special relativity) and the equation E=mc^2, which revolutionized our understanding of space, time, and energy.

What was Einsteins most famous discovery?


What did Albert Einstein do discover?

Albert Einstein is most famous for his theory of relativity, which fundamentally changed our understanding of space, time, and gravity. He also made significant contributions to quantum theory and the development of the atomic bomb.

Who is the most two famous scientists?

It is subjective, but some of the most famous scientists in history include Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton. They are known for their groundbreaking contributions to physics and mathematics, respectively.