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The ancient Greek Euclid was a genius. His work in geometry helped science immensely. Not only in his time but later on when Europe developed.

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Q: What was Euclid considered in all of world history?
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Euclid is considered one of the greater what in all of world history?


What was Euclid considered in all of history?

The ancient Greek Euclid was a genius. His work in geometry helped science immensely. Not only in his time but later on when Europe developed.

What did Euclid contribute to history?

The Elements, a book explaining all about the elements.

The great mathematician of the world?

Euclid is the great mathematician of all...

Who was a significant person in World War 2?

Adolf Hitler was the person who began World War Two. He is considered the most hated man in all of history.

How many chapters did the book of Euclid contain?

The chapters in Euclid's Elements are called books, there are thirteen in all.

How are Euclid's concepts useful today?

Euclid is considered one of the greatest thinkers of all time. His Euclidean geometry is still one of the many techniques in Geometry that are taught today. His elements taught plane and solid geometry, algebra as well as number theory.

Who is the father of modern geometry?

Euclid of Alexandria (325-265 BC) was one of the greatest of all the Greek geometers and is considered by many to be the "father of modern geometry"

Who organized the proofs of all the known geometrical theorems into a manuscript entitled Elements?

Euclid (

What was Euclid's educational background?

Since there is almost no information at all about Euclid, we believe he obtained his education from the students of Plato in Athens, Greece.

What were Pythagoras and Euclid famous for?

Euclid is known as the Father of Geometry. He was a very intelligent mathematician who wrote a book all about geometry, called The Elements.

How is world history and US history similar?

The only way they are the same it that they are both history. US History is the History of the United States only. World History is all other History.