Fibonacci is most famous for his description of the number sequence, which in the 19th century was given the name 'Fibonacci numbers' . The sequence is made by starting with two ones, and adding them up, then to make every new term, the previous two terms need to be added together.
Newton influenced mathematical thinking by his theory of Gravity, in using his mathematical analysis to derive Keplers Laws, mathematically. In addition his book "Principia" also influenced mathematical thinking, especially the invention of Calculus .
Answer Clara Bacon is famous for making a mathematical thing
add up the 2 previous ones.
You can't. Mathematical equations and methods are not patentable.
Fibonacci had a mother called alessandra and a father called Guilielmo
The Fibonaccis ended in 1988.
The Fibonaccis was created in 1981.
Probably the most famous invention by a child was "braille."
Dr.Shirley ann Jackson famous invention
Sir Robert was famous for the invention of condoms
Newton influenced mathematical thinking by his theory of Gravity, in using his mathematical analysis to derive Keplers Laws, mathematically. In addition his book "Principia" also influenced mathematical thinking, especially the invention of Calculus .
Answer Clara Bacon is famous for making a mathematical thing
The most famous British invention show is called the British Invention Show (BIS). It is the UK's largest design and innovation exhibition, and runs at the end of October.
Invention of the telephone
the telescope