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Q: What was Fibonacci education like?
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Is Fibonacci pronounced like 'fibonachi' or 'fibonakki'?

Fibonacci is pronounced 'fibonachi' watch The DaVinci Code a Fibonacci code is one of the clues to the puzzle

Why did Fibonacci think of the Fibonacci code?

There is the Fibonacci sequence but what is the Fibonacci code?

What is the next in line Fibonacci-like sequence 5 5 10 15?

25 It is the Fibonacci sequence multiplied by 5.

How long did Leonardo Fibonacci live?

He lived [Fibonacci(10) + Fibonacci(8) + Fibonacci(6)] years

What is Fibonacci functions?

what is fibonacci?

What discoveries did Fibonacci make?

He made alot like you know

What was Leonardo Fibonacci childhood like?

Pretty bad. No games

What is Fibonacci number series?

A Fibonacci number series is like the example below, 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233,377,610...... and so on in general Fibonacci numbers are just the previous two numbers added together starting with 1 and 0 then goes on forever.

How do you use Fibonacci in reality?

the Fibonacci numbers are used in describing the spirals in a flower, shells and the like. It is also used in number theory of the golden triangle.

How is the Fibonacci sequence useful?

The Fibonacci sequence mathematically proves that nature isn't random it follows a pattern. However there are exceptions like most things.

Why is the Fibonacci sequence named after Fibonacci?

Leonardo Fibonacci discovered the number sequence which is named after him.

Why did Fibonacci create the Fibonacci Sequence?

I think Fibonacci wanted to find how many swirls or petals were on a flower ....... most of them are Fibonacci numbers....i think.... doin a projct......= )