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well barely know one know exept for dead people who lived a billon years ago

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Q: What was in the atmosphere 1 billion years ago?
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How many years ago did large amounts of oxygen gas first appear on Earth's atmosphere?

Large amounts of oxygen gas first appeared on Earth's atmosphere around 2.4 billion years ago during the Great Oxidation Event. This event marked a significant increase in the levels of atmospheric oxygen, which eventually led to the development of aerobic life forms.

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1 Gyr is 1 billion years, so 2.8 Gyr is 2.8 billion years ago.

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1 Billion years old

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What were chimps 1 billion years ago?

There were no chimps 1 billion years ago. At that time all life was single celled organisms and rudimentary multicellular ones.

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3 hours = 3 hours PAST 12 o'clock = (3 x 1 billion) - 4.6 billion = 3 billion - 4.6 billion = -1.6 billion years = 1.6 billion years ago6 hours = 6 hours PAST 12 o'clock = -1.6 billion years + (3 x 1 billion) = -1.6 billion + 3 billion = 1.4 billion years ago

Is a 1 billion year old man dead?

There could be no such thing-- there were no people 1 billion years ago.

Did it begin in 4.56 billion years ago and in January 1?


How much oxygen was there 2.2 billion years ago?

Around 2.2 billion years ago, Earth's atmosphere contained very little oxygen, at levels less than 1% of what we have today. This period is known as the "Great Oxidation Event," when early photosynthetic organisms started releasing oxygen as a byproduct, gradually changing the composition of the atmosphere over millions of years.

Whats the first animal?

Best guess is a proto-bacteria about 3 to 4 billion years ago. First vertebrate was a marine worm about 1 billion years ago.

Are cavemen 1 billion years old?

No, cavemen are not 1 billion years old. The first known appearance of hominids, which includes early human ancestors, dates back to around 6 to 7 million years ago, not 1 billion years ago. The term "cavemen" typically refers to prehistoric human ancestors who lived in caves during the Stone Age, which began around 2.6 million years ago and lasted until about 10,000 years ago.

What year was it 1 billion years ago?

year 1991.